3rd January 2025
After a relatively busy Thursday, today felt like an encore of the post Xmas period. Barely an email or Slack message crossed my screen. Took advantage and lined a bunch of work up to get done this weekend.
(Decided I will after all lift wholesale Warren Ellis’ use of project codenames for things that are not yet public. He’ll likely never read this but I’m unashamedly copying him here)
PROJECT DAPHNE is an ongoing development. A ground up rewrite of in house software previously used by a defunct client. Big milestone for that next week. I didn’t choose the name for this one! Very hopeful for it though.
PROJECT MERCENARY will probably be the other one on deck this weekend. Bit early for that one. Close behind are SENTINEL, PAPERBOY and I think FEDERATION. But these might only get a little fleshing out for the moment.
Plus some tinkering with this ‘engine’ that isn’t. The workflow is a little clunky at the moment.
On the subject of which I need to spend a bit of time sorting out how I want to integrate LLMs into my work a little bit more easily. Not sure which is the best solution for NeoVim (which I want to stick with if I can) at the moment. I want to have proper code completion and function writing at least.
Day 3 of Dry January. Easy going so far. The bathroom scales are encouraging in their immediate downward plunge after only a few days. Although this should be equal parts horrific in that there was clearly a surplus of calories just sloshing about waiting to be expunged.
Todays Links / Reading
Google, The evolution of SRE at Google
Interesting explanation of how the SRE function at Google has embraced systems theory and control theory to improve resilience